How to Strengthen Your Intuition

Whenever we search for the solution of a problem, even when the problem doesn’t even exist, we rely on logic. Something we think is illogical, we ignore. Every one of us gives up easily on one of our intentions if we can’t find any logic in it, but rarely anyone wonders, where does that logic come from?

When we say something is logical, it means that it fits our perception of things, and our idea of how everything functions. It’s logical to us that there are people that live on this world that are Greek, French, Romanian…meaning, people can be divided by the countries that they live in. It’s logical, in the same way, that plants are going to give more yield if they are treated with intensive care, i.e., if they’re being taken care of with artificial manure and other products. But can people really be divided by countries, and is the bigger yield accomplished in such a way really good for those citizens? Is there any logic in people working against themselves?

If you haven’t thought about this subject before, it’s natural that you are going to now…or maybe it isn’t. Everybody has their own rules that decide their decisions. We adopt the things that the majority around us supports. That happens especially often while we’re very young. And it turned out, in innumerable cases, that the majority, in accordance to that constructed logic, hurtles into life without using their own minds. How else to explain the massive enlistment of volunteers for never-ending war. Or voting?   Or any other one of society’s absurdities? All of those volunteers, voters, they bring decisions based on their logic and if we’re judging by the numbers of the dead and mutilated, that logic is a bit suspicious. We’re being dragged into mutual conflicts. Of course, none of us really wants that, but almost nobody listens to themselves and that inner voice that warns them against logic that brings them destruction, against imposed logic. When we take all of this into consideration, we can realize the importance of working on strengthening our intuition.

If, instead of logic, we ask our intuition what shall we do, things start to change. We’ll stop seeing human differences as reasons for conflict, they’ll unite us and become a generator of new cognitions. The word would turn upside down. One of the countless possibilities that turns the world upside down is Phototherapy. With doing Phototherapy, you’ll start building your logic from other sources, from your intuition. And when you start listening to yourself, to your intuition, the battles you’ve been fighting finally stop. You return to your natural state, to harmony. See for yourself.

Pozdrav, ja sam Peđa.
Bavim se fotografijom, pisanjem i visokim mislima, koje sežu čak do kosmosa. Jednostavnost i apsolutna iskrenost prema samom sebi i prema drugima je ono što me privlači. Posvećen sam životu koji nije razdvojen na posao i na slobodno vrijeme, već predstavlja kontinuitet slobodnog izraza. Dajem sve od sebe, ali dajem i sebi…
Polako izrastam u pravog čovjeka.
A svaki pravi čovjek ima svoju misiju. Moja misija je da kroz svoj rast aktiviram u sebi neograničene mogućnosti ljubavi i posijem ih u tvojoj bašti.

Podsvjesni um ima mnogo veći uticaj na naš svakodnevni život od svjesnog dijela našeg bića. Naš život sazdan je od navika, a one su osnovni izraz podsvjesti. Podsvjest dobija informacije iz velikog broja izvora, od svega što nas okružuje. Ona pažljivo slaže primljene podatke i neprimjetno gradi našu ličnost bez prisustva svijesti.
Zbog velikog uticaja spoljašnosti, naša podvjest često nas povede na put koji nismo birali: bavimo se poslovima koje ne volimo, hranimo loše, ponašamo nedolično, ne volimo sami sebe.

Fototerapija je metoda uz pomoć koje za nepuni minut možeš saznati šta ti kaže intuicija i tako osvjestiti tačke zastoja, osvijestiti upravo ono što te dovodi u neravnotežu. Nakon što locira mjesta na kojima curi energija, metoda Fototerapije ti pomaže da efikasno mijenjaš baš one navike koje te ometaju. Ukoliko takvih navika nemaš Fototerapija će ti dati podršku i potvrdu da pratiš svoje osjećaje.

Svako od nas živi onako kako misli da treba. Da li će naše naše biće biti u harmoniji zavisi upravo od tih naših misli. Organizam svakog od nas se sam po svom osjećaju namješta i usklađuje, osim ako ga mi svojim već formiranim tokom misli u tome ne sputavamo i vodimo u pogrešnom smijeru.
Tok misli u savremenom životu svakodnevno je prepušten uticajima medija, ekonomije, politike i društvenih zbivanja, a oni imaju svoje kalkulacije koje se ne obaziru na potrebe pojedinačnog bića. Misli koje nastaju su pod velikim uticajem spoljašnosti dovode nas u neravnotežu. Zato je potrebno raditi na svojim mislima, prepoznati ih, osvijestiti i usmjeriti. Upravo na tome radi Fototerapija.

that is not divided into work hours and spare time and instead represents a continuity of free expression.
I do my best, but I also give best to myself…
I am slowly growing into a true man.
And every real person has their mission. My mission is activating unlimited possibilities of love inside me through growth and plant them in your garden.

us. It carefully classifies the obtained data and unobtrusively builds our personality free from the influence of our consciousness. Due to a large number of external influences, our subconscious often takes us to roads we haven’t chosen ourselves: we do jobs we don’t like, we eat wrong foods, we behave inappropriately, we don’t love ourselves. Phototherapy is a method which can help you get in touch with your intuition in less than a minute and identify the blocks, thus becoming conscious of the factors that have caused the misbalance. After identifying energy leaks, Phototherapy helps you efficiently change habits that are hindering you. In case you have no such habits, phototherapy will provide you with support and confirmation that you should follow your feelings.

The train of thoughts in the modern society is directed by the media, economy, politics, and social events, and they all have their own ends which have little to do with the needs of an individual. The thoughts which are under severe external impact result in misbalance. This is why it is necessary to work on our thoughts, to recognize them, make them conscious, and direct them. This is precisely what Phototherapy aims to achieve.

Fototerapija je metoda koja razvija intuiciju i mijenja navike

Ako si u emotivnoj, duševnoj, mentalnoj ili fizičkoj neravnoteži i osjećaš da ti je potrebna promjena, odaberi tri fotografije iz Fototerapije i prepusti se svom najboljem vodiču – svojoj intuiciji.

Svakodnevno smo izloženi mentalnim pesticidima koji nas odvajaju od naše prirode a da to i ne primijetimo. Društvena zbivanja kreiraruju nam uvjerenja, navike i misli. Većinu odluka, za koje mislimo da su naše, donosi neko drugi i upravo to je izvor nezadovoljstva, patnje i bolesti.

Ali svaki je čovjek, još pri rođenju, obdaren intuicijom. Svako od nas je, sigurno više puta u životu izgovorio rečenicu: ”Što ne poslušah sebe”. Razvijajući intuiciju razvijamo svoje biće, usklađujemo se sa svojom prirodom i sa prirodom oko sebe. Okolina se iz ”neprijatelja” pretvara u školu iz koje kontinuirano učimo. Vremenom, izvrsno zdravlje i sreća postaju naša svakodnevnica. Razvijamo vještinu uz pomoć koje pesticide transformišemo u prirodno đubrivo.
Fotografije na ovoj stranici imaju praktičnu, upotrebnu vrijednost.

Fototerapija je metoda samorazvoja koja pozitivno utiče na psihofizičko zdravlje tako što jača intuiciju i pomaže pri promjeni navika. Nastala je kao rezultat mog rada i istraživanja na poljima fotografije, intuicije i psihologije.
Fototerapija nam pomaže da pokrenemo radnje koje regulišu naše energetske tokove.
Fototerapija nas podržava da istrajemo u promjeni navika koje nas koče u razvoju.
Kao što instiktivno stavljamo ruku na bolno mjesto, tako se i pri svojim odlukama možemo osloniti na svoju intuiciju. Osluškujući svoj instikt mi dolazimo do neposrednog shvatanja istine, nakon čega sami sebi možemo razjasniti koje su to mentalne blokade koje nam ne daju naprijed.
Ukoliko takvih blokada nemamo, Fototerapija će nam potvrditi da su naše misli u harmoniji sa našom intuicijom.

Jačanjem i vraćanjem povjerenja u vlastitu snagu, otklanjamo uticaje koji dovode do psihofizičkih zastoja u funkcionisanju organizma..

Vizuelni kod je foto-informacija, informacija o dogadjaju zabilježena objektivom fotoaparata.
Svaka fotografija Fototerapije nosi poruku koju intuitivno dobijaš samim pogledom na fotografiju, a da bi znao kako da je koristiš, te vizuelne poruke preveo sam u riječi.

Radi lakšeg razumijevanja objasnio sam i na konkretnom primjeru ispod…

Prilikom nastanka jedne od fotografija, stajao sam na plaži držeći aparat na kojem je bio teleobjektiv. U fokusu mi je bila djevojka na stijeni iznad mora. Stijena se uzdizala nekoliko metara iznad površine vode. Djevojka se premišljala da li da skoči u vodu – taman kad se spremi, odjednom se okrene i odustane. Nakon desetak minuta premišljanja, ipak je skočila.
Neposredno prije nego što će se odvojiti od stijene, škljocnuo sam fotoaparatom. To je bio trenutak njene odluke i nakon prvog skoka izašla je iz vode i nastavila skakati; drugi, treći, četvrti put… svaki put bez razmišljanja. Ali prije nego što će skočiti prvi put, trebala je donijeti odluku.

Informacija koju ta fotografija nosi je ODLUKA. Djevojci na stijeni, u tom jedinstvenom trenutku, bila je potrebna odluka da uradi to što želi, da skoči. Oko nje, na stijeni bilo je još nekoliko njenih vršnjaka. Neki su uživali u skokovima, neki nisu smjeli skočiti. Nisu donijeli odluku…

Ako odabereš fotografiju sa djevojkom, intuicija ti govori da i ti trebaš donijeti odluku i krenenuti… Koja je to odluka, to svako za sebe najbolje zna: neko treba odlučiti da prestane pušiti, neko da prestane prekomjerno jesti, neko da počne više fizički da se kreće, neko da izbaci ljude koji mu oduzimaju energiju… Svako zna šta je to što je u određenom trenutku aktuelno u njegovom životu i koja je to odluka koju treba donijeti. Samo treba vjerovati u sebe i svoju intuiciju.

To je bio trenutak njene odluke i nakon prvog skoka izašla je iz vode i nastavila skakati; drugi, treći, četvrti put… svaki put bez razmišljanja. Ali prije nego što će skočiti prvi put, trebala je donijeti odluku.

Informacija koju ta fotografija nosi je ODLUKA. Djevojci na stijeni, u tom jedinstvenom trenutku, bila je potrebna odluka da uradi to što želi, da skoči. Oko nje, na stijeni bilo je još nekoliko njenih vršnjaka. Neki su uživali u skokovima, neki nisu smjeli skočiti. Nisu donijeli odluku…

Ako odabereš fotografiju sa djevojkom, intuicija ti govori da i ti trebaš donijeti odluku i krenenuti… Koja je to odluka, to svako za sebe najbolje zna: neko treba odlučiti da prestane pušiti, neko da prestane prekomjerno jesti, neko da počne više fizički da se kreće, neko da izbaci ljude koji mu oduzimaju energiju… Svako zna šta je to što je u određenom trenutku aktuelno u njegovom životu i koja je to odluka koju treba donijeti. Samo treba vjerovati u sebe i svoju intuiciju.


o fototerapiji

– your intuition – show you the way.
We are exposed to mental pesticides on a daily basis and it can separate us from our nature without us so much as noticing it. Social events are shaping our beliefs, habits, and thoughts. Most of the decisions we believe are our own are made by someone else, and this is the very source of dissatisfaction, suffering, and illness.
Every individual has had the gift of intuition from birth. We have all said at some points in our life: “Why didn’t I just listen to myself”. By developing intuition, we are developing our being and aligning with our nature and the nature around us. The environment transforms from “an enemy” into a school where we are continually learning. Over time, excellent health and happiness become our everyday reality. We develop a skill which helps us transform the pesticides into a natural fertilizer.
Photos on this page have practical, utility-based value.


Phototherapy can help us take actions to regulate our energy flows.
Phototherapy can provide support in persevering in changing the habits that are hindering our development.
Just as we instinctively place our hand over a painful spot, we can rely on our intuition. By listening to our instinct, we can attain immediate realization of the truth, after which we can make it clear to ourselves which mental blocks are preventing us from moving forward.
In case we have no such blocks, Phototherapy will confirm that our thoughts are in harmony with our intuition.
By strengthening and restoring trust in our own strength, we can eliminate the influences which cause physical and psychological blocks in the functioning of the organism…

understand how to put them to use.
For easy comprehension, I will provide an explanation using a sample photo.
When one of the photos was taken, I stood on the beach holding my camera with the telephoto lens. I was focusing on a girl on a rock above the sea.

The rock stood up a few meters above the surface of the water. The girl was in two minds as to whether she should jump into the sea – every time when she was just about to do it, she would turn around and give up. After ten minutes of deliberation, she did make the jump.
Just before she lifted herself off the rock, I snapped my camera. This was the moment of her decision and after that first jump, she got out of the water and continued jumping; for the second, third, fourth time… every time without deliberation…

There were a few more of her peers around her on the rock. Some were enjoying their jumps, some didn’t dare. They didn’t make the decision…
If you choose the photo with the girl, your intuition is telling you that you too should make a decision and act on it…

What decision needs to be made is a person-by-person matter: some need to decide to quit smoking, some should stop overeating, some should become more physically active, some should break contact with draining people… Everyone knows what the burning issue in their life is and which decision needs to be made. You only need to have trust in yourself and your intuition.

Kad sam radio na izdavanju svoje prve knjige, nisam znao zašto to radim, zašto već ispisane riječi hoću da uobličim u knjigu. Već kod izdavanja druge knjige, shvatio sam da se na taj način želim povezati sa drugim ljudima. Kod treće knjige postalo mi je jasno da, povezujući sa sa drugima, povezujem i sa samim sobom. Nastavio sam raditi na čišćenju duše i na razvoju vlastite svijesti koja po zakonu spojenih posuda, razvija i kolektivnu svijest…
Radi toga odaberi fotografije u Fototerapiji, a onda pohitaj na jedini istinski rad u svom
životu – rad na sebi. Bavi se svojom vlastitom knjigom, ispisuj svoj život svojom rukom.

Knjiga u kojoj se kroz vezu fotografije i kratke forme teksta, misli vode u sadržaj sačinjen od finih emocija.Fototerapija ima moć da trenutno promijeni tok misli, skreće misli sa agresivnih tema, što je čini ljekovitom.
Knjiga Fototerapija je preteča metode koja koja jača intuiciju i mijenja navike. Fotografija i misao ovdije su spojeni u jasnu poruku.
“A da nemam vid, ni sluh, ni čula?
Šta bi tad bila moja stvarnost?

[3d-flip-book mode=”thumbnail-lightbox” urlparam=”fb3d-page” id=”1607″ title=”true” lightbox=”dark”]

AArhus 37_5550

Ovu knjigu, upustva za samoizlječenje, napisao sam

zajedno sa vama za sve nas.

U njoj su sažete stvari koje su

meni, mojim prijateljima,

rodbini, djeci i poznanicima

promijenile život.

Sivo je postalo zeleno.

knjige_pedja vujovic

by getting in touch with others, I was getting in touch with myself at the same time.

I continued working on cleansing my soul and developing my own consciousness which, in accordance with the law of communicating vessels, contributes to the development of collective consciousness…

That’s why you should select photos from the Phototherapy and then head to do the only true work we do in our lives – self-development.

Focus on your own book, and write the story of your life with your own hand.


and turns them away from aggressive subjects, which makes it healing. The book Phototherapy is the

predecessor of the method which strengthens intuition and changes habits. Photography and thought are converged into a clear message.

-“And if I didn’t have sight, nor hearing, nor senses?

What would my reality be then?


AArhus 37_5550

closes – came together on paper.

During that month, clear northern winds helped me clear my mind, and in

that short stretch of time, Aarhus vibes awakened love in me, and love is

always an entirely clear sign…”


o fototerapiji

Every individual has had the gift of intuition from birth. We have all said at some points in our life: “Why didn’t I just listen to myself”. By developing intuition, we are developing our being and aligning with our nature and the nature around us. The environment transforms from “an enemy” into a school where we are continually learning. Over time, excellent health and happiness become our everyday reality. We develop a skill which helps us transform the pesticides into a natural fertilizer.
Photos on this page have practical, utility-based value.


after which we can make it clear to ourselves which mental blocks are preventing us from moving forward.
In case we have no such blocks, Phototherapy will confirm that our thoughts are in harmony with our intuition.
By strengthening and restoring trust in our own strength, we can eliminate the influences which cause physical and psychological blocks in the functioning of the organism…

The rock stood up a few meters above the surface of the water. The girl was in two minds as to whether
she should jump into the sea – every time when she was just about to do it, she would turn around and give
up. After ten minutes of deliberation, she did make the jump.
Just before she lifted herself off the rock, I snapped my camera. This was the moment of her decision and
after that first jump, she got out of the water and continued jumping; for the second, third, fourth time…
every time without deliberation…

What decision needs to be made is a person-by-person matter: some need to decide to quit smoking, some should stop overeating, some should become more physically active, some should break contact with draining people… Everyone knows what the burning issue in their life is and which decision needs to be made. You only need to have trust in yourself and your intuition.

which can help you get in touch with your intuition in less than a minute and identify the blocks, thus becoming conscious of the factors that have caused the misbalance. After identifying energy leaks, Phototherapy helps you efficiently change habits that are hindering you. In case you have no such habits, phototherapy will provide you with support and confirmation that you should follow your feelings.

The thoughts which are under severe external impact result in misbalance. This is why it is necessary to work on our thoughts, to recognize them, make them conscious, and direct them. This is precisely what Phototherapy aims to achieve.